Internal Ticket Booths
We manufacture ticket booths- demountable for static use, single axle to high spec twin axle with lots of extras, All our ticket booths are made of a steel structure panelled with 3mm aluminium and finished with a high class coat of 2 pack paint.
External Ticket Booths
We manufacture ticket booths- demountable for static use, single axle to high spec twin axle with lots of extras, All our ticket booths are made of a steel structure panelled with 3mm aluminium and finished with a high class coat of 2 pack paint.
Reuzenrad Lamberink
It all started more than 30 years ago when the Lamberink-Kroon family was a traveling carnival family. Under guidance of father Jan Lamberink and mother Kokkie Kroon. Lamberink are the international agent for JHW Designs and have been in collaboration since 2016.